Diary of an IT Guy

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Archive for the ‘Power’ Category

The Lies in Learning

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When it comes to learning we learn about the advice of following your passion is probably not good advice. And instead if you shift your focus to getting so good that they can’t ignore you with a skill that you get better and better at. You get more autonomy.You get more respect. You get more control over what type of work you do. And with more and more of that you actually develop a love for the skill. It becomes more enjoyable to do what you do just following your passion blindly is probably not good advice.

Next we learned that you can’t avoid risk. Risk is part of life. And those that do great things those that are able to achieve things which involve learning most likely involve risk. It involves making some sacrifices it involves maybe training up an opportunity for another opportunity. And when we get those butterflies in our stomach that means we’re doing something worthwhile.

We also learn not to trust just one single source of truth when we blindly follow somebody and think that everything they say is true. Well it often leads us into a very one dimensional way of thinking. We have the power of the Internet where we’re able to learn from different sources from different instructors and teachers use that to your advantage and form your own opinions and thoughts. And also remember that nobody knows everything completely and most likely the ones with the strongest opinions are the ones that are least knowledgeable.

Finally we learned about the famous 10000 hour rule that is to get good at something. It’s all about just working hard and putting in those hours. But it turns out that’s not really the case. There’s different factors that affect our ability to learn and there are efficient ways to learn and not so efficient ways to learn. Two people that spent 10 hours learning a topic are most likely going to end up a different level of knowledge at the end of 10 hours based on different factors. Some factors are out of our control but there are definitely factors that we can’t control which is why we’re going to explore later on in this course.

The idea of this section was to throw these lies out there and understand that whenever you hear advice like this it’s most likely wrong. And hopefully by the end of this section we now have the skills to flag whenever we notice this out there. When we learn the topic and instead realize that these are no longer the rules that are going to dictate our learning.

Written by isal

7 April 2020 at 12:05

Ditulis dalam karir, motivasi, Power, Quotes

Kekuatan ruhani sangat penting dalam menghadapi ketakutan akan Virus Corona

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Ayo kita lebih mendekat lagi kepada yang Maha Kuasa dibandingkan buka-buka medsos dan Whatsapp Group. Insya Allah akan tenang dan adem.

Written by isal

26 Maret 2020 at 16:38

Ini bukan nasehat

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“Saya pikir, hidup itu harus banyak meminta ~ ternyata harus banyak memberi.

Saya pikir, sayalah orang yang paling hebat ~ ternyata ada langit di atas langit.

Saya pikir, kegagalan itu final ~ ternyata hanya sukses yang tertunda.

Saya pikir, sukses itu harus kerja keras ~ ternyata kerja cerdas

Saya pikir, kunci surga ada di langit ~ ternyata ada di hatiku.

Saya pikir, Tuhan selalu mengabulkan setiap permintaan ~ ternyata Tuhan hanya memberikan yang kita perlukan.

Saya pikir, makhluk yang paling bisa bertahan hidup adalah yang paling pintar, atau yang paling kuat ~ ternyata yang paling cepat merespon perubahan.

Saya pikir, keberhasilan itu karena turunan ~ ternyata karena ketekunan.

Saya pikir, kecantikan luar yang paling menarik ~ ternyata inner beauty yang lebih menawan.

Saya pikir, kebahagian itu ketika menengok ke atas ~ ternyata ketika melihat ke bawah.

Saya pikir, usia manusia itu di ukur dari bulan & tahun ~ ternyata di hitung dari apa yang telah dilakukannya kepada orang lain.

Saya pikir, yang paling berharga itu uang & Kekuasaan -emas- permata ~ Ternyata BUKAN juga ……yang paling Penting dan Paling mahal itu “KESEHATAN dan NAMA BAIK”.

Yani Libels, 1964-2015

Written by isal

21 April 2016 at 19:30

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Beautiful Middle East Song. Very Powerful ever – Ya Illahi by Muhammad Husayn

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Fi Laylatin Minal Layal Lastu Adri Ma’tarani
Zulmatun Taghrumuni Ya Rab
Al-Ardhu Daqat Wassama’ Wa Qalbi Ma Arafud Dhiya’
Wad Dam’u Bata Yabki Ya Ilahi

Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi
Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi

Asaytu Waz Zanbu Kabir
Wa Inni Fi Huzni Asir
Muqayyadun Bizanbi Ya Rab
Fahal Yastahiqqu Ya Ilahil Afwa Mujrima
Muqirrun Biz Zunubi Ya Ilahi

Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi
Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi

Antal Lazi Khalaqtani Rahimtani Wa Razaqtani
Dauman Ya Rabbi Qad Kunta Ma’i
Lakinnani Naaitu Anka Nasitu Ma Qad Kana Lak
Wa Sirtu Fi Toriqi Ya Ilahi

Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi
Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi

Wal Yaum Ya Rabbi A’ud Min Zulmatin Khalfal Hudud
Fal Qalbu Munkasirun Wa Torofi Hair
Wa Anal Ghariqu Fala Ara Illa Siwaka Liy Munqiza
La Manja Wa La Manja Illa Anta

Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi
Ya Ilahi Ya Ilahi

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Written by isal

18 Oktober 2014 at 03:54

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5 Aturan Sederhana Untuk Bahagia

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Written by isal

18 September 2014 at 08:33

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Renungan Ramadhan 1435

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عبارة جمیلة للدكتور عائض القرني ـَـَََـَ
Kalimat indah dari Dr. Aid Al Qarni

نحن لا نملك تغییر الماضي
Kita tdk bisa merubah yg telah terjadi

و لا رسم المستقبل ..
Jg tdk bisa menggariskan masa depan

فلماذا نقتل انفسنا حسرة
Lalu mengapa kita bunuh diri kita dgn penyesalan?

على شيئ لا نستطیع تغییره؟
Atas apa yg sdh tdk bisa kita rubah

الحیاه قصیرة وأهدافها كثيرة
Hidup itu singkat sementara targetnya banyak

فانظر الى السحاب
و لا تنظر الى التراب ..
Maka, tataplah awan dan jgn lihat ke tanah

اذا ضاقت بك الدروب
فعلیك بعلام الغیوب
و قل الحمدلله على كل شيئ
Kalau merasa jalan sdh sempit, kembalilah ke Allah yg Maha Mengetahui yg gaib!
Dan ucapkan alhamdulillah atas apa saja.

سفينة (تايتنك) بناها مئات الاشخاص
Kapal titanic dibuat oleh ratusan orang

وسفينة ( نوح ) بناها شخص واحد
Sedang kapal nabi Nuh dibuat hanya oleh satu orang

الأولى غرقت والثانية حملت البشرية
Tetapi, Titanic tenggelam. Sedang kapal Nabi Nuh menyelamatkan umat manusia

التوفيق من الله سبحانه وتعالى
Taufik hanya dari Allah swt

نحن لسنا السكان الأصليين
لهذا الكوكب الأرض !!
بل نحن ننتمي إلى ( الجنّة )
Kita bukanlah penduduk asli bumi, asal kita adalah surga

حيث كان أبونا أدم
يسكن في البداية
لكننا نزلنا هنا مؤقتاً
لكي نؤدّي اختبارا قصيرا
ثم نرجع بسرعة ..
Tempat, dimana org tua kita, Adam, tinggal pertama kali.
Kita tinggal di sini hanya untuk sementara,
Untuk mengikuti ujian lalu segera kembali.

فحاول أن تعمل ما بوسعك
لتلحق بقافلة الصالحين
التي ستعود إلى وطننا الجميل الواسع
و لا تضيع وقتك في هذا الكوكب الصغير
Maka berusahalah semampumu,
Untuk mengejar kafilah org2 salih, Yang akan kembali ke tanah air yg sgt luas
Jgn sia2kan waktumu di planet kecil ini..!

الفراق: ليَس السفِر، ولا فراق الحب، حتىّ الموت ليس فراقاْ
سنجتمَع في الآخره
الفراق هو: أن يكون أحدنا في الجنه،
والآخر في النار
جعلني ربي واياكمَ من سكان جنته..
Perpisahan itu bukanlah karena perjalanan yg jauh,
Atau karena ditinggal orang tercinta,
Bahkan, kematian pun bukanlah perpisahan, sebab kita pasti akan bertemu di akhirat.
Perpisahan itu adalah,
Jika salah satu diantara kita di surga dan yg lain di neraka.
Semoga Allah swt menjadikan kita semua sebagai penghuni surga!

والحياه ما هي إلا قصة قصيرة !!
( من تراب . تراب . إلى تراب )
( ثم حساب . فثواب . أو عقاب )
Hidup ini adalah cerita pendek, dari tanah, di atas tanah, dan kembali ke tanah,
Lalu hisab (yg hanya menghasilkan dua kemungkinan); pahala atau siksa.

فعش حياتك لله – تكن أسعد خلق ﷲ
اللهم لك الحمد كما ينبغي لجلال وجهك وعظيم سلطانك
Maka, Hiduplah utk Allah niscaya kau akan jadi makhluk-Nya yg paling bahagia.
Ya Rabb utkmu segala puji yg layak utk kemuliaan wajah-Mu dan keagungan kekuasan-Mu!

Written by isal

2 Juli 2014 at 09:11

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Seven Skills to be an Effective Manager

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“I have been with this company for too long. It’s time to look elsewhere,” is part of a rant I recently heard from a senior manager, heading the finance function in a large multinational organization. Having been with the organization for over a decade the person was disgusted with the kind of work he was doing for his boss, the CFO. Curious to know more I asked him what made him last so long. His answer was, “This organization improves my level of patience. Besides, if I don’t accomplish what I am told I could be fired without a package.”

How many times have we come across employees frustrated with their managers and dissatisfied with the work they are asked to perform? Many of them seem to have this feeling of helplessness, unable to do anything to change their situation, waiting for the proverbial ‘package’.

“Hire for attitude, train for skill” is a common and widely used HR cliché, yet when it comes to implementation it usually turns out to be “kill the attitude, dull the skill”.

Looking back at my previous experiences here are seven skills used by many effective managers.

1. Expectation Management:

These managers begin by setting realistic expectations and communicating them in plain terms. This could include simple items such as weekly working arrangements or complex items such as a project approach. They explain why things are being done in a certain way and be open about organizational limitations.

I found that these managers set and communicated expectations iteratively as needed and did not limit it to annual performance appraisals.

2. Providing Tools:

Most organizations provide employees with computers, peripherals and stationery to accomplish their tasks. But it is the soft tools these managers provide that can make a world of difference in how effective an employee can be.

These managers understand that if you are expecting your reports to manage vendors they have to ensure that the statement of work or contract has the necessary clauses to hold the vendor accountable. They ensure that the business or clients sign off on the requirements prior to your team developing a solution, delivering a service or planning a sprint. They implement processes to address scope creeps, change management and quality assurance.
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Written by isal

24 Juni 2014 at 09:01

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Janganlah sekali-kali meremehkan sebuah kebaikan…

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Powerfull quote ever!
Happy Ramadhan Mubarak to all over universe..

Written by isal

21 Juni 2014 at 11:45


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Written by isal

1 Juni 2014 at 17:44

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